Non Human Entities

From Nubious

This page contains a list of alleged non human entities reported by various individuals.

The information is listed for reader interest because there is no proof or evidence that any of this is true. There are however several high profile and reliable witnesses that believe some of this is true.

The Red Book apparently lists 9 different visitors classified ETE-1 to ETE-9. It also lists a few cloned biological entities classified CBE-1. Source: Serpo Project example
Extraterrestrial Biological Entities are also categorised as they are contacted. The classification for these is EBE. Template:Source example

John Lear says "there are 7 known species". Template:Source-Required

Ebens From Zeta Reticuli

  • Bob Lazar claims to have seen a document that referenced Zeta Reticulin as the home of one Extraterrestrial species.
  • 2011 leaked video of "Skinny Bob" an alien from Zeta Reticuli.
  • see Betty and Barney abduction in 1961 amongst others. Small greyish-coloured men. Betty drew a map in 1964 showing star information that was unavailable at the time.

Archquloid from Pontel near Cygnus Arm


Quadloids from Planet Otto/Zeta Reticuli

Species Genetically engineered by Ebens {Source: Unknown} {Rating|None}

Hepaloid from Planet Damco near Cygnus Arm


There are two sources on this: Planet Silus in Zeta Reticuli or 3rd planet from Epsilon Erandi (10.5 ly) with the latter being hostile and often called Nordic Blonde.


  • Possibly engineered by Ebens.
  • 2- 4, four feet aliens with large eyes and metallic suits

• "J Rod", {Source|Stancil, Kingsman 1963 crash}} Dark brown skin.

The Greys

  • Planet in Alpha Centuri A, 4.2 light years
  • Often mistaken for Ebens but are not related.
  • The little grey ones are about 4'6" Template:Source


• Visitors from G2 star system in Leo!


  • "Noah" survivor of Roswell crash (see transcripts of 2005 declassified 1981 recorded briefing to President Reagan) lived until 1952. {Source|Serpo Project} - Disinformation


  • The "Nordic" are 7' high with blond hair and blue eyes and are similar to us. We have ones of their crafts. John Leer
  • Appear as Tall human-like blond humans but are insect-like and hostile.




See Dogon tribe religious beliefs. Originating from a brown dwarf in Sirius B which was undiscovered until 1995.


  • Sumerian believe they came to earth 500,000 years ago for gold to heal their ships.